Enable ChatGPT to write in our own style

Wirote Aroonmanakun
5 min readJun 28, 2023


** This article has been translated from “ให้ ChatGPT เขียนด้วยสไตล์ของเรา” employing GPT-4. Subsequently, the English rendition was revised to reflect my personal writing style, again utilizing GPT-4. **

For those who have had the opportunity to interact with ChatGPT, they would have observed that the output from ChatGPT not only follows a clear sequence, adheres to correct language norms, and is easy to comprehend, but it also allows for a variety of writing styles. Whether it’s emulating the style of a cherished author, or the writing style of a specific demographic, such as crafting text like a primary school student or a non-native speaker.

A question that might pique the curiosity of many is whether we can train ChatGPT to write in our own language. The answer is affirmative. However, the initial step involves familiarizing ChatGPT with our unique style or manner of writing, which can be achieved by allowing ChatGPT to peruse our written work and learn the patterns and methodologies from our previous writings.

In this endeavor, I utilized ChatGPT Plus, opting for the GPT-4 model in conjunction with the “AskYourPDF” plugin to read pdf files. Given that I have a collection of old articles that have been published previously, when inquired if ChatGPT would permit the uploading of PDF or Word documents for reading, ChatGPT recommended to upload it as a PDF via the AskYourPDF website, download the file, and then provide the doc_id.

Once I was confident that this method was viable, I directed ChatGPT to learn the writing style from the work to be read, and elucidated the learning process. Commencing with the command BEGIN, I clarified the tasks that ChatGPT needs to undertake. ChatGPT responded affirmatively, understanding and reviewing the sequence of steps to ensure clarity on who would perform what at which stage.

Upon initiating the process by typing BEGIN as agreed, ChatGPT requested the article to be read. I uploaded the first article to the AskYourPDF website and then provided the doc_id. After reading, ChatGPT confirmed completion and I typed next. This process was repeated, uploading one article at a time for ChatGPT to read.

After feeding all the articles, in this case, six articles were tested, the process was concluded by typing END as agreed. ChatGPT then indicated that it had analyzed and comprehended our writing style and proceeded to write a one-paragraph text as an example in the same style.

Thank you for providing the documents. I’ve read and analyzed them to understand your writing style. Now, I’ll attempt to write in a manner that reflects your style.

Here’s a sample paragraph:

“In the realm of language learning and teaching, the utilization of digital tools has been observed to significantly enhance the learning experience. One such tool is the ‘corpus’, a large and structured set of texts. These corpora, whether corpus-driven or corpus-based, have illuminated the importance of lexical and phraseological units in language teaching. For instance, the application of a concordance software, such as AntConc, allows learners to explore authentic language data, thereby encouraging a form of discovery learning. This approach, known as data-driven learning, prompts students to act as researchers, delving into the language they are learning. It is, essentially, a shift towards inductive learning. However, the effectiveness of this approach hinges on the students’ ability to interpret concordance output, a skill that requires training and experience. The question of whether this is feasible for all students remains a topic of ongoing discussion in the field of language education.”

Please let me know if you need anything else.

When the text was cross-verified with a platform like ZeroGPT [1] to ascertain if it could identify the text as written by ChatGPT, the results revealed that only a minor portion, about 26%, was detected as written by AI or GPT. In contrast, text typically written by ChatGPT itself would be detected 100% of the time. This data suggests that the articles given to ChatGPT to learn the writing style had an impact on the outputted text. And upon observing the writing characteristics, it’s seen to be similar to the style in which I would normally write, although some words used may not be those that I am familiar with or use. This isn’t surprising, considering the input ChatGPT had from my work was only six articles, or about 80 pages (including bibliography).

If I had uploaded more articles, it is likely that the writing style would be even more similar to my own. The next question is, how much written work can we upload for ChatGPT to learn from, and are there any limitations on the number of words? When queried about this, ChatGPT responded as if there were no such constraints.

However, this point needs further verification because publicly available information indicates that ChatGPT can handle about 500–1,000 words, whereas GPT-4, which is the model used in ChatGPT Plus, can process up to 25,000 words. Another concern is whether the learning would be retained if one exits the current chat session. However, considering the capabilities and features of ChatGPT are continually improving, it’s conceivable that in the future, each individual could easily teach ChatGPT to write in their own style. It might even be possible to set this as a default for each user’s experience.


Please note, this article does not aim to encourage the use of this method to evade detection by software that checks for writing generated by ChatGPT, as there are other straightforward ways to bypass detection. However, I want to underscore the potential of AI tools like ChatGPT or other models to be used as personal tools that reflect individual identities. Because written language or speech accents can easily be used to train AI to utilize language in a manner that matches each individual’s writing or speaking style. [2]


[1] ZeroGPT — Chat GPT, Open AI and AI text detector Free Tool. (https://www.zerogpt.com)

[2] Best AI Voice Cloning Software For Free — Voice.AI. (https://voice.ai/voice-cloning)



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